
Agile switch consolidate Huawei SDN strategy

Huawei recently issued PAIA a new programmable switches, claiming that the switchcan compare with the Cisco Catalyst 6800 series switches in the United States,and will to Huawei channel partners in the high-end Ethernet switch market provides greater competitiveness.
Huawei last week released the S12700 series quick switch, Huawei businessBG product marketing director Ajay Gupta said: "this is not the Cisco SDN strategy to answer, but the answer to Cisco programming switch."
Gupta points out, S12700 series quick switch will be a comprehensive listing ofQ1 in 2014, is considered to be the highest market programmability and flexibility of the highest Ethernet switches, can make a better campus networkto cloud computing, BYOD, SDN and networking trend.
Gupta points out that the flexibility of S12700 attributed to Huawei sinceEthernet Network Processor Research (ENP), which is a specialized Ethernetforwarding design of programmable chip. Gupta said, and application specific integrated circuit most Cisco switches use (ASIC) compared to ENP, Huaweihas cost efficiency, low power consumption and fast service deploymentadvantages.
The main difference between ENP and ASIC Huawei is that ENP can be easilyprogramming, so as to adapt to the protocol of the next generation orvirtualization, such as VXLAN and NVGRE, and ASIC must be replaced in order to adapt to the change after all.
Gupta told CRN: "the ASIC once manufacturing means has been stereotyped,because you can't change them, and Huawei ENP is programmable, you can change them."
Gupta hopes that the ENP chip can play their role in promoting the development of Huawei Huawei switch, switch, he said: "we spend millions of dollars and years of development of the ENP chip, the chip can we expect inHuawei switch includes a low-end switch machine and give full play to its role in."
Cisco rejected CRN for the product request for comment.
In the United States Saint Louis solution provider, Huawei partner MetroparkCommunications CEO Glenn Conley said, high flexibility of Huawei new agileswitch performance provides powerful competitiveness for Huawei channel partners. He also points out, customers have been deployed in the networkthe programmable switch demand.
Conley said: "if the future new applications need priority extra, I don't need to open the equipment, installation of new components can be achieved. Now customers more and more savvy, they are keen to be at the level of softwareto make a change, to adapt to a high degree of flexibility in any application of the future, not to open the equipment, installation of new hardware."
According to an interview with Gupta S12700, Huawei agile switches provide 8slots and 12 slots two cabinet, which will help Huawei channel partners and flexible to provide comprehensive exchange product portfolio and has higherability of programming with SDN as the core solution.
Gupta said: "this is important for our channel partners. Before, our partnerssaid, 'when we and Cisco, juniper competition and show our ideas, from theperspective of programming and flexibility without any high-end uncompetitive.'The switch to fill this gap."
In the past two years, has been committed to the common development ofHuawei has expanded in the United States market and business partners, and in 2011 launched the official American channel project. In a recent interview,Huawei revealed in the United States has 75 to 100 channel partners.
However, Huawei has been facing the United States government charges,which hit the Huawei to expand its business scale in the United States to some extent.
Conley and Gupta have pointed out, Huawei agile S12700 switches can alsoplay a role in the data center network. PDIA Conley said: "in the future, S12700 willshow the strength in the data center network."

