The intelligent ADLE optical network, network traffic distribution becomes more flexible, network operators can provide more types of network services, such as OVPN.
It is
understood, a stage of China Netcom were multiple
vendor optical Ethernet equipment test based on VPN. In
fact, the current major domesticoperators have realized the importance of this system, has embarked
on atechnology assessment and
actively carry out test.
As the backbone network and wide area network in the city within
the scope of the extension, the metropolitan area network connecting the city tens of thousands of users, is the key to providing a new generation of voice service and data service location. Due to the deployment, in the metropolitan area network edge setting and management of a large number of equipment, so theman took most of the operators of the capital budget and the operating budget.
From the
analysis of the current China Telecom, China Netcom, China Unicomhas been implemented and applied
to the metropolitan area network, because the network using IP routing technology of the third layer, network deployedrouting equipment and complicated structure, the equipment has greatlyincreased the operator's investment cost. This is caused by the data businessinvestment, low income phenomenon. Therefore, how to reduce networkoperation cost is the main problem of the operator attention.
Many in the
industry are concluded, the cost for Ethernet
is a good method to solve the challenges
of metropolitan area network. At present, 98% of the local area network (LAN) is based on Ethernet based. How will the Etherneteconomic, simple, easy to use features applied to operators in metropolitan area networks, each network equipment providers concern.
The use of Ethernet technology in metropolitan
area network communication system, combined with the scalability and reliability of optical networktechnology. Some network devices to exchange for MPLS based network,optical Ethernet development can provide
VPN services, to help the operators in the construction of metropolitan area network.
Ethernet with the Ethernet simplicity, economy and reliability of opticalequipment and large capacity, provides a specialized for metropolitan area network and wide area network design solutions. Optical Ethernet can use
different types of Ethernet transmission, including bare fiber Ethernet(Ethernet over Optical), DWDM Ethernet (Ethernet over DWDM) and resilient
packet ring Ethernet (Ethernet over RPR). No matter what type of deployment of transmission network, each component can use simple and economicalEthernet to provide service.
Ethernet with VPN is a second layer of VPN, using Ethernet as a link
layer protocol, VPN tunnel is established through the MPLS label switching,transmission of VPN
service. Because the VPN service is based on theEthernet environment, it is also called VPE (Virtual Private Ethernet). Using Ethernet "any to any" dynamic structure, ASPB VPN users can support a greater number in the metropolitan area network.
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